Rebranding Mommy Brain
Let’s talk about Mommy Brain - aka - Momnesia, Baby brain, Brain fog, Pregnancy brain. The term "mommy brain" has been around for years and is often used to describe the forgetfulness, distraction, and cognitive changes that some mothers experience during pregnancy and after giving birth. Cue the meme of a new mom finding her car keys in the freezer. It’s a very common phenomenon, in fact, 80% of pregnant women say they experience some form of memory loss or brain fog. It also serves an important purpose that helps new and expecting parents prepare for parenthood. Unfortunately, mom brain is often associated with the idea that motherhood brings about cognitive changes that leave women feeling forgetful or scatterbrained.
Well mom brain is long-overdue for a rebrand - calling Kris Jenner! It's time to rebrand and reframe this concept to reflect a more accurate and empowering perspective. Instead of simply seeing it as decfiit, let's dive into what’s really happening in the maternal brain and celebrate the incredible cognitive abilities that mothers possess.
The Science of Motherhood
Before we delve into rebranding "mommy brain," it's helpful to understand the science behind the changes that occur in a mother's brain during and after pregnancy. I recently had the pleasure of connecting with Dr. Jodi Pawluski , neurologist and author of the book Mommy Brain. Dr. Pawluski has been at the forefront of pioneering research in this area, despite the scarcity of research in this field.
Similar to the preparation and changes that women’s bodies go through, the brain also goes through a crucial remodeling. Research has shown that the maternal brain undergoes structural changes, such as increased gray matter volume in regions associated with empathy, social cognition, and emotional regulation. These adaptations allow mothers to better understand and respond to their baby's needs. Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding can lead to increased attention and vigilance, helping mothers stay attuned to their child's safety and well-being.
And it’s not just birthing people! Studies show that fathers, similar to mothers, also experience increased brain activation in regions important for emotional processing, mentalizing, and attachment.
Rather than associating motherhood with forgetfulness, let's recognize the impressive adaptability that mothers demonstrate. Parents are constantly adapting to the changing needs and stages of their children's development. They evolve as parents, learning new skills and strategies to meet their child's/childrens’ ever-changing demands. This adaptability is a testament to their resilience and intelligence.
Reshaping the Narrative
To rebrand the concept of "mommy brain," we should start by changing the conversation and challenging outdated stereotypes. Instead of making mothers feel inadequate or distracted, let's emphasize their strength, resilience, and the cognitive enhancements that come with motherhood. As Dr. Pawluski shares,
“So when we’re saying it’s time to ‘rebrand mommy brain,’ we’re really just saying it’s time to reduce focus on what is lost with motherhood, which has been the main focus for a long time, and to start paying attention more to what is gained and how it is gained.”
In conclusion, "mommy brain" is a term that deserves to be rebranded as a symbol of strength, adaptability, and the incredible transformation that women undergo during motherhood. "Mommy brain" is not a limitation but a testament to the remarkable abilities that come with the profound journey of motherhood. So, when words don't flow as easily or you misplace your water bottle (again!), remember that there's something truly significant happening – the beautiful and complex journey of motherhood.
Want to learn more? Check out these awesome resources!
Mommy Brain Revisited - A Podcast on the Parental Brain - Dr. Jodi Pawluski
Mommy Brain: Discover the amazing power of the maternal brain by Dr. Jodi Pawluski
Mom Well Podcast - Mom Brain with Dr. Jodi Pawluski
MommyBrain - Q and A with Dr. Jodi Pawluski. Mama's Modern Village Matrescence Training, November 15, 2023
This is Your Brain on Motherhood by Jenni Gritters
How Men’s Bodies Change When they Become Fathers by Anna Machin
It’s Time to Rebrand “MommyBrain” by Clare McCormack, Bridget Callaghan and Jodi Pawluski